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*All displayed fares are updated once everyday. Our algorithm finds out the best fares for the most searched origins and destinations. Fares are based on historical data and cannot be guaranteed until a reservation is ticketed. These may change at any point of time because fares are dynamic and depend upon demand and fulfillment. All fares include ticket cost, taxes, service fee and surcharges. Please read terms & conditions Terms and Condition before booking

Top Deals on LATAM Airlines

Fly with Latam Chile Airlines

LATAM Airlines allows the passengers to check in at departure airport or through the website. For most flights, the online check-in function opens 48 hours before take-off and for the rest, it opens 72 hours before departure.

Frequent Flyer Program

To reward regular flyers, LATAM  Chile Airlines has launched its frequent flyer program called LATAM Pass. There are currently over four million members and over 250,000 LATAMPASS members fly for free, every year. LATAMPASS members earn kilometers every time they fly with LATAM, a Oneworld alliance member, a LATAMPASS-affiliated airline or by using the services of any LATAMPASS-associated business around the world.

There are four Elite membership categories in LATAMPASS Program:

  1. Premium (Oneworld Ruby)
  2. Premium Silver (Oneworld Sapphire)
  3. Comodoro (Oneworld Emerald)
  4. Comodoro Black

Baggage Policy

Every passenger is allowed to carry 1 piece of carry-on baggage (weighing= not more than 8kg and measurement= 55cm x 35cm x 25 cm) along with a personal item (laptop, jacket, suitcase, etc).

The personal item must fit under the seat in front and cannot be bigger than 45cm x 25cm x 20cm.

Premium Economy and Premium Business travelers can bring up to 3 checked items.

Words From Our Clients

The prices were really cheap and every extra additional cost was mentioned in the same page. Totally impressed with the transparency.
I didn’t mind paying extra for extra comfort in the flight and got exactly the seat that I booked for myself.
The process was really smooth. Happy to see how dedicated and professional the staff was.
The people on the phone were extremely helpful and never showed a sign of frustration over my never-ending questions.